Saturday, August 12, 2017

Life update

Hi everyone, I am truly sorry for my long absence, I haven't had much to write here and have been incredibly busy.
The short update here is that Master and i rarely engage in any play time. We are very happy together but our life is looking more and more vanilla when not in the bedroom... Which is very rare... When he isn't enjoying work, everything else suffers. Also, I was gone from the end of May until mid July pretty much which resulted in not having much time to do anything.
We did celebrate our two year anniversary in June and Master bought a whip for me which we have only slightly attempted to use given I left right after our celebration.
We did play the other day, Master used the cane, hose , and a spatula on me while fucking which was delightful!!! I still have a nice dark bruise on my hip from that.
Hopefully, with me home and Master enjoying his work more lately, we will get back to fun times and I'll have much more to write about. Either way though, I hope to keep updating y'all so we don't have such long breaks.
Hope your lives are going well!
His kitten

Thursday, February 23, 2017

New Year's resolutions

Oh my goodness, it has been so long since I wrote here!! I am so sorry, I had so many times I mentally posted and never actually wrote anything...
So, going back pretty far now, Master and i had a lovely time discussing Our resolutions for this year.
It was New Year's Eve and Master had told me to be thinking of my resolutions earlier in the week.  After a nice dinner at home, Master told me to go to the bedroom, strip and get on my knees by the bed. i almost skipped into the room i was so excited to end 2016 in such a fun way!!
Master got all the fun toys out, the crop, the cane, the flogger, the mini flogger and the hose. As He played with me, He began to discuss His thoughts for the coming year, that i need more training and more consistent training, and ways He thinks that can happen. Then, He asked me for my resolutions, i had a couple relating to the cleaning around the house which sadly, i haven't kept fully but i am certainly doing better and trying harder. i also want to ask to suck His cock more often and other ways to please Him. i tend to shy away from asking even when i know He wants it because i see that as taking control. We had a talk about this (not in this moment) and Matter explained to me that, by asking, i am showing my desire to serve and please Him but i am not taking charge because He is the one to say yes or no when i ask. This resolution is going better for sure and i have completed 2 successful blow jobs this year already. Master is difficult to please in a blow job so i am excited for my progress!
Master was happy with the thought i had put into my resolutions and He told me i was a good girl which is always lovely but even more so when We are playing.
That night ended without any sex but it was delightful for Us both and We enjoyed Our talk:).
Anyone else make resolutions this year? How are they going for you?
~His kitten

Monday, December 5, 2016

Update time

Things have been very busy around Our house lately. Sadly, that "busy" wasn't kink related at all... We had new doors installed, window  tint installed, bought 2 project cars and have begun work on them, continued work on another vintage car Master has that's not running currently (a new issue... was running one day and then just...stopped... :( ), had family in town for thanksgiving for a week, enjoyed a hike at a park near Our house with them , and lots of working at Our jobs.
Also, i have all 3 Christmas trees up and all my.Christmas shopping complete.
Kink is, i guess, on a back burner for right now... but We still live in Our roles as Master and slave every day. We just haven't had any yummy kinky sex... i am really missing it... Master has been stressed with work and when that level gets high Our kink level goes down.
This weekend, He did say He's feeling better and less stressed, this morning He even pulled my hair and choked me during Our.goodbye kiss so i am.hopeful it will return soon !!
We have a holiday party to go to soon and i got to shop for a new dress for that which was fun. Master likes things low cut, short and tight and He seems happy with the dress i found :).
i think that's about all i have to update on for now, hopefully i'll have more.... interesting things.... to share with you all soon.
Merry Christmas !!
~His kitten

Monday, October 10, 2016

It's Friday

We were in the living room, watching tv. Master was feeling a bit loose thanks to a rum and coke and He began kissing me. At first it was cute little pecks, then it got deeper and more passionate. He had me by the throat (love this !!!) 
Deep in the throws of a kiss, Master grabs my hair, pulls me to my feet and,as He breaks the kiss, leads me into Our bedroom. 
i am thrown on the bed, with Him on top of me, and the kissing continues, this time down my neck before He turns me on my stomach and begins biting my neck and back. Master is groaning and growling, He sounds so sexy !! 
Back on my back, Master's hand is again around my throat and He is deeply kissing me and then He slaps my face twice, He loves this and i see His grin when i take them both and don't flinch.
Soon, He breaks away, tells me to prepare to be used since i prepared for Him earlier and He disappears into the closet. 
i do as i'm told and wait, on the bed, on my hands and knees, face down, back arched, ready for anal play.
Master comes back with a few toys. He has the spatula (We just bought new one since We broke the other last week ), the flogger (the one He gave me for Our anniversary in June ) and... the red beacon (my name for my plug ). He begins to warm me up with the spatula. He's rotating sides, keeping it fairly even with 2 lighter smacks and then 1 big one on each cheek. Then, He begins to get sporadic, not so much a warm up now, He's really getting into it, not staying only on my cheeks but using my hips and upper thighs as well. 
Once Master has enjoyed the spatula for a while, He switches to the flogger. This entire time, He is mostly quiet save for a few moans or a quick, "good girl "after a particularly hard hit. 
The flogger He uses for a while, moving around the bed, using all the angles He can and testing me to see how hard He can go. The flogger is still pretty new to Us so there is a lot of testing and learning yet to do. He uses it mostly on my back and i get very close to tears, He loves tears, but none actually fall this time. 
Once i am stinging all over, He gets the plug and lube and gets me ready for Him. i relax and prepare to cum when He allows,and He allows often with anal. 
Finally ,the warm up and play are over and Master enters me, He fills my ass and enjoys it for quite a while before commanding me to cum one last time, with Him, and then We collapse on the bed together. 
Master wraps me in my recovery blanket, gives me my stuffed giraffe and cuddles for a minute before leaving me to my thoughts.
Before He goes, i whisper, "what brought that on Master ?" 
" It's Friday " was His reply. 
~His kitten

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Welcome home, kitten

"When you arrive, handle the dog, come to the front door, strip and kneel."

"Yes, Master."

i was so nervous, so excited, so ready to see Him!!!! But... strip... at the front door... where people could potentially see me??!!! This was definitely a test of obedience for me.
i arrived at his home after 2 days of driving, just me, my dog and a few personal things that fit in the car. i was shaking as i approached the front door, pleased to realize that it couldn't be seen from the street or by the neighbor's. i could barely make my fingers work to take off my shirt and jeans, it took forever for me to get the button undone on my jeans! Finally free from my clothes, i knocked on the door and got on my knees, fixing my eyes on a spot on the ground knowing i wasn't allowed to look up at Master until He said so.

"Hello kitten, I see you've made it safely, that's good."

"Yes, Master, the drive was uneventful."

"Get low."

Without speaking, i moved from my knees onto my belly on the ground, everything as low as i could get it.
"good girl, get your hands lower, good.Say your mantra."

"i am a slave, my Gerent has chosen me to serve Him. i need Him and am grateful that He trains me to be of value to Him. i will keep my walls down to preserve the work He has put into me. i will work my best at all times to serve Him, for it is how i can keep close. Only Master matters."

"Now, you know living here will be different, there are some new rules to follow. When you are in My home, you are to be naked, unless there are people here who aren't in the know. "

"Yes. Master"

"When you've been our of the house without Me, you are to drop everything upon entering the house, put your forehead to the tile and recite your mantra to be sure you are in the correct mindset inside My home. The only exception is when there are others with you, but that should be rare."

"Yes, Master."

"When I arrive home each day, you are to greet me, kneeling at the back door."

"Yes, Master."

"I'm glad you're here, welcome home kitten."

"Thank You Master, i am glad to be here."

"Let's go inside."

As i followed Master into His home, i was still nervous, i missed Him so much but this is a big change for Us. We have been apart for months but prior to that, We were only ever together for a week at most. Generally, We spent 2.25 days together each week, now We will live together, this will definitely be an adjustment for both of Us.

The first few weeks have been very good. We are working on finding daily routines, i make sure i lock the door after Master leaves each day and unlock it prior to His arrival home, i make sure i have dinner ready when He arrives home and that i am finished with my chores for the day so i can focus solely on serving Him.

i will be working soon but only part time so Our routines will change a little but not entirely. 

i haven't been this happy.... ever. i love waking up to help Master get ready for His workday and then spending my day unpacking the house, organizing and preparing for His return home. Serving Him makes my life full and happy and i am so grateful that He allows me to live here and serve Him daily.

i am certainly adjusting to being naked all the time. i am not one who has always walked around naked after a shower or anything... i have no been comfortable in my own skin so this is a big adjustment for me.

Time to get back to my chores for the day :).

~His kitten

Thursday, July 14, 2016

learning about myself

Lately, as i've been working through repressed memories from sexual abuse as a child and Master is helping me deal with the gamut of emotions that goes through that, i end up having what We call "little days". Days that i want my stuffed giraffes (BB and Reid :) ) and to sit on Master's lap and be taken care of more than usual.
These days are becoming more and more consistent in my life. Every day isn't a "little day" but when i have too many non little days, when i have to be in charge and make all the decisions, i feel the weight of all of it and my desire to be taken care of, to cuddle my stuffed babies and just be little is more obvious.
This week has been FULL of days that i don't get to be little... Every single day is full of me Being completely in charge and not Being taken care of and i'm really feeling that this evening. Today is day 6 and i have 2-3 more days before things get back to "normal".
Normally i'm still in charge but i'm not the only one around to be in charge so it's not such a heavy weight on my shoulders.
Master is still very far away, states away, but my move date is getting much closer. This will all very much better when i'm able to be with Him everyday. He is so amazing, He goes everything He can while We are apart. He allows me to Skype and email and call to help but i'm trying not to add to His stress or take away time from His parents visit this week.
Does anyone else struggle with this? Do any of y'all have "little days"? What do you do to combat these feelings, if anything?
Thanks for letting me vent:).
~His kitten

Monday, June 20, 2016

not ready for this... world

Today i'm feeling... not ready.... as my move to live with Master full time approaches and the reality hits me more and more,i wonder if i can do this.. if it's where i belong. 
i realize how much i no longer feel like i fit in this world. i struggle with this because it's necessary to stay here, to be here, to live here in this world. 
Not my world with Master but this world without Him. 
i miss Him, i long to sit at His feet, to serve Him, to drink from Him. 
This world without Him around, is hard for me. i feel lost in it. i feel so much more.... me... when i'm with Him, serving Him and the closer that gets, the harder it is to happily live here and now.
i know this world will always be here, that i'll always have to deal with it. But, when i could be in His world every weekend, it made the weekdays in this world much easier to deal with. i can only hope and assume that, when i live in His world, serving Him, that the hours spent outside it will be easier to deal with.
i know i am a slave, i am His slave, in my core and i have no desire to live outside of that feeling.
 The world without Him is cruel, scary, cold... with Him it's like everything comes to life. He protects me, He handles the mean and cruel and helps me handle it too. 
i love Him so, i adore Him more and i long to serve Him fully.
~His kitten